Valerie Savchits is a multidisciplinary artist, born in Riga, Latvia. Since completing her master's degree at the University of Brighton in 2022, her work has been actively shown nationally and internationally in galleries such as Saatchi Gallery in London, Eve Leibe Gallery in Turin, Zuzeum Art Centre in Riga and La Causa Galeria in Madrid. She has also taken part in exhibitions and events organised by Delphian and San Mei galleries on multiple occasions.

Savchits' body of work primarily consists of mixed media paintings as well as readymade installations and sculptures made of a vast array of materials including but not limited to: clay, raw minerals and metal. The artist strings her stories, feelings and fragments of memory from then and now just like pearls onto a thread to create her own mythological system. The inspiration for Savchits' work comes from different mythologies and cosmic symbolism that play an important role in forming her visual language. The textures, lines, shapes and even colour palette found in surrounding landscapes influenced her style and manner, both in sculpture and painting.